2022-2023 Homeschool Hits & Misses

Hey there, everyone! I recently shared our hits and misses from the past homeschool year, plus some major life updates (including where we’ve actually been this whole time!) If you’d like to hear all about the juicy life updates, then click the video above. In this post I’m going to recap our homeschool hits and misses, in hopes that it will give you some resources, encouragement and tips!

What worked well for us this year:

What didn’t work well this year:

  • Christian Light Preschool Curriculum Set
  • While there isn’t anything wrong with this bible curriculum, we really struggled with staying consistent with it. Even though I’m considering it a miss this year, I’m picking Telling God’s Story back up and working through it because I truly enjoy the way they laid the lessons out.
  • Similarly, Masterbook’s Let’s Talk Science Level 2 and Notgrass Our 50 States was a miss for us – not because the curriculum was bad or uninteresting but simply because I struggled picking it up and teaching it! We’re tabling the science curriculum for now but will use it as a resource for unit studies, or interest led experiments. We are however, committed to finishing Our 50 States and will work through the rest of the curriculum this coming year!

I hope this was helpful, for ALL the details on why these are my hits and misses be sure to check out the Youtube video!